Tuesday 20 March 2012

soap trailer

This is the final cut for my soap trailer, although I tweaked and changed rough cuts of it, unfortunately I don't have any of them saved to analyse. I did however change several things, including the order of clips, the song choice and editing the sound slightly to make dialogue more audible. I did these things due to audience feedback from students in my class. I changed the order of some of the clips to make the narrative more clear, and so that the intertwining stories made sense and were in chronological order.

We all took turns doing camera work and filming, as we all had used the cameras before during preliminary work. All of our group featured in the soap, and the planning and scripts proved to be extremely useful. We all edited the footage independently.

One problem we encountered as a group was when we came back to college to upload our footage, there was a bit of confusion involving the cameras and our footage got deleted by accident. We went out and filmed it all again the next day so it wasn't as much of a set back as we initially thought.

I edited the footage in the Mac Suite at college, and although I didn't have much experience using iMovie and the Macs, I had enough to suit my soap trailer. I took the soundtrack from a youtube video and edited that in. The lyrics to the song are 'You're such a bug to me man; You're such a drag on everyone'. These lyrics apply to Jakes character in the soap, since he is the antagonist. I think they suit his character well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Harry, I like your trailer but at times I can't tell what the actors are saying, maybe some dubbing needed? Also, the audience would be able to keep track more if there were some title cards in it - saying this, is this the final version or just a draft? If its a final cut, please take note, if not, ignore it... :) Samantha.
